Wednesday, August 11, 2010

SMS which are actually fake

We often get sms which tells to forward it to others and u get some amount recharged to your number.
Do u actually believe in that and forward sms to ur friends to get currency. Well i dont believe in such a joke. According to me its just a way of publicity of their ads.

Have u ever forwarded sms and got the currency????

Their are many people around us who get these kind of sms from others and they forward it to their friends just for the sake of getting currency. I think these sms are really making fool out of people and people are being fooled to get currency.

We also get sms of such kind and "u won a lottery of xyz and login to to get ur amount". I think this is also fake as these sms come just to get all ur information u dont get any amount paid to u.

Do u think can someone give u that huge amount without any reason????


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